연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 Graduate Student Oral Session (I) (English)
발표장 제9회장
논문코드 1O9-13
발표일 2021-10-21
발표시간 17:10-17:25
논문제목 The stabilization mechanism of self-assembled low symmetry structure in charged block copolymer comprising ionic liquids
발표자 정승원
발표자 소속 POSTECH
저자 정승원, 손창윤1,†
소속 POSTECH; 1포항공과대학교
논문초록 To optimize the polymer electrolyte performance, the molecular understanding for the highly charged, microphase-separated electrolyte system is required. In this work, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed to understand the role of electrostatic interaction at the interfacial layer in stabilizing different morphologies of charged polymer system. MD simulation revealed the micelles in a low symmetry cubic phase (A15) were closely contacted and made thin ionic shell layers at the interface. Moreover, a difference in the ion dynamics was observed between bulk and interfacial area due to electrostatic interactions between polymer and cation, resulting in morphology-specific ion dynamics. This work provides the mechanistic understanding of the electrostatic control of stability and ion dynamics in PEs with different morphologies and establishes a prospective avenue for advanced PEs with high ionic conductivity.